Explanations to the Different Hogwarts Houses


The year in which the first Harry Potter novel was released tend to be 1997. Its from such year that Harry Potter universe became much popular now than before. Its also among the most widely-known franchises in the world. When it comes to the Harry Potter books, Hogwarts tend to be the wizarding school highly featured here. There is need to discover more on the hidden meaning on the different Hogwarts house. One need to click here for such houses more info. Learn more here about the best hogwarts houses

Gryffindor. When it comes to the students sorting, each is sorted into a different house. Such happens with a magical sorting hat whereby the sorting hat reads each student personality. This results to sorting them according to the house that best fits each. Students qualities as well as wishes tend to be the most things taken into consideration. The most well-known house tend to be Gryffindor. Its where the most famous Harry porter got sorted into. Initially the used magical sorting hat wanted Potter into Slytherin but this was not what he wanted. The good thing is that the sorting hat took such into account which led to him finally sorted at this house view here! The house colors are gold and ruby and lion as its emblem. It's a sign of bravery and courage. Godric Gryffindor is this house founder with fire as its element. For more info about the best hogwarts houses view here!

Hufflepuff. Badger is the house emblem and the colors tend to be yellow and black. Kindness and dedication are the core principles of students in such house. Helga Hufflepuff is the house founder. The main element here tends to be earth. The given website gives one a chance to know more about the house. It's good to know that some minor characters in Harry Potter movies tend to be Hufflepuffs. In addition Cedric Diggory completed with Harry in Triwizard tournament and was a famous member of such house.

Next is Ravenclaw. An eagle tend to be this house emblem. The colors in such house are bronze and blue. Its element is air and the house is associated with sapphires. Creativity and curiosity are important here. The founder in such school is Rowena Ravenclaw. The ghost living now in this house which is also Grey lady is that of Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter.

Slytherin. Its main founder was Salazar Slytherin. The students here tend to be very resourceful and ambitious. The house element tends to be water and green and silver are its colors. The emblem is snake. Tom Riddle and Severus Snape are among the famous Slytherins. This product also has other many death eaters similar to the one in Ravenclaw house. Such houses therefore tend to be four in number now! The simplest explanation is that Ravenclaw prizes knowledge, Gryffindor courage, Slytherin ambition and Hufflepuff patience.

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